

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

The whole world is a danger zone

 Capitalism means plenty for the class who own the means of life and poverty for the working class who produce that plenty. 

The Socialist Party recognises the urgent need for socialist political organisation everywhere, aiming to gain, for the socialist working class, control of the machinery of government to inaugurate a socialist system of society. Socialism involves the abolition of production for sale and profit and the abolition of the wage system.  We are, and always have been, the only party that stands for one thing only — the common ownership of the means of production. It makes not a scrap of difference whether you call that socialism or communism. Conversely, the form of ownership in the world today is capitalism, call it what you will. It stands to reason that if you think that socialism/communism is the only answer to the evils that afflict society, then you join the party that stands for the establishment of that system. 

Now, after all these years of thinking that socialism meant a change in the system of society, from the present one of wars and class war, wages and profits, to one where none of these things would exist, a class-free world in which goods are produced for use, we discover that socialism really means—capitalism with higher benefit payments and lower rents. This kind of outlook typifies reformists everywhere. They start off not really understanding the significance of the socialist case, and then they dismiss their own misconceptions of socialism as “futuristic pipe dreams.” In the blind conceit that they know their way, they proceed to carry on the “day-to-day struggle” of trying to make capitalism with its wage slavery less burdensome to the working class whose life-blood it sucks. It is a self-evident fact to every socialist, that the evils which curse the lives of the working class CANNOT be removed within capitalism. If, as the Labour Parties claim, the problems of slums, insecurity, poverty, wars and slumps, can be got rid of bit by bit, one at a time, there is no need for socialism. It is the fact that these and other such problems are part of capitalism that makes socialism necessary. If on the other hand, they claim to know that the one solution is socialism, then to continue toying with the effects of capitalism is the depth of stupidity and the height of folly.

In order that anything worthwhile may be achieved it is no use the workers being just anti-Tory. The left-wing crowd and the rest of those who support or belong to the Labour Party are at one in wanting to swing the current anti-Tory mood in the direction of another Labour Government. Under capitalism then as now, armaments come before houses, pensions, or anything else. Pensions and housing troubles are part of the general poverty suffered by wealth producers. If the workers fail to learn from their past experiences of Labour Governments, they will go on electing strike-breakers and war planners until the obvious dawns on them and they realise their real position under this system and organise with us to end it. Movements of whatever name which do not seek the immediate establishment of socialism whilst they can never really defeat socialism they certainly help delay it.

Once again war rages in Europe. Once again men and women, deluded by the nationalist slogans of their rulers, kill and wound each other. Once again wealth is destroyed and resources wasted.

 The sight of our fellow workers serving as tank fodder in this way saddens socialists and our sympathies go to them and their families. We hope for an immediate end to this latest slaughter of our fellow workers in a cause which is not theirs, and re-affirm that only the establishment of world socialism will abolish war forever. War results in no benefit to the workers, who will be persuaded to fight the war. Whatever side they support they will be the losers, even though some of their masters may win markets, trade routes and sources of materials to enable them to increase the profits their workers turn out for them.


When the workers realise the capitalist cause of wars they can no longer be misled by their ruling-class in support of them and this alone will see the end of these scourges of mankind. This is one of the reasons why the spread of socialist knowledge is so very urgent.

Socialism can only be built by the immense majority. It cannot be established by state decree. Without a clear vision of what it hopes to achieve the working class will never achieve socialism. Though it cannot take power on behalf of the working class, the Socialist Party will stand with whatever revolutionary class-wide bodies the worldwide working class creates. There are no middle ways. The abolition of classes and the end of the profit system can only mean breaking with the capitalist system. 

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