

Friday, November 11, 2022

We Want to Be Free in a Free World

 “They who would be free must themselves first strike the blow.” Frederick Douglas

We are not treated as human beings. We want to live. But not as slaves. We refuse to be slaves any longer.  The people themselves should have and should take the right to decide what they want to do. Our country is the planet. It is a vast, fertile, beautiful land abounding in natural resources. There is everything here to supply the wants of the people, to produce abundance and happiness for the people. We want to be equal to everybody else. Nothing more and nothing less. We want political equality, social equality and economic equalityThe socialist fight is for a better world. We shall see the workers give up everything so that their families and children can be free. 

All politics is class politics. There is an unceasing war between labour and capital. The exploiters of labour are conscious of their class interests. They are united in the fight against the workers. And they have governmental power on their side.  This is well understood by the rich, and they determine their politics accordingly. It is not fully understood by the great mass of working people. Yet this conflict of capital and labour has been greatly intensified. It is in the interests of the ruling capitalists and their various agents and dupes to conceal this elementary fact of the realities of political life. It is the contrary purpose of the Socialist Party to strip the veil from politics and reveal its true class nature. We show the workers the true face of politics. The capitalists believe in class politics. They are only against class politics for the workers.  Capitalists aren’t against class parties at all. On the contrary, they have, as they have always had, their class parties, which they have consciously developed and maintained to serve their vested interests. Don’t depend on the lying promises of today’s capitalist politicians. The employing class, aided and abetted at every turn by the government at Washington, has been conducting a furious offensive against the workers. Their object is to beat down living standards, and- make the workers pay for the covid and Ukraine. They aim to break up the trade unions.

Today, the madmen who rule are preparing to use their power to plunge humanity into barbarism of endless wars in their insane drive to enslave the world.

Capitalism has kept the people on a merry-go-round of depression, war, inflation and again war. The workers are learning from their own experiences that the capitalist profit system  must be scrapped. But they are disoriented by the lying propaganda of the capitalists that the only alternative to capitalism is nationalisation. In order to keep the people from taking the true road to socialism, the falsehood is spread that it is socialism.

Join the Socialist Party to rid the planet of the plague of capitalism with its wars and recessions. For a socialist society of peace, freedom and plenty support the Socialist Party. We say directly that capitalism, which is the rule of a few people who own everything, is the source of all our fundamental problems. We fight against capitalism and for socialism 365 days a year – year in and year out

The Socialist  Party is unalterably opposed to nationalism. All of you who want peace, join with us. There is only one path to peace and that is to replace the capitalist system of war, poverty, and hunger with a socialist society of peace, plenty and freedom. Join with us to speed the day when peace and not the sword will rule the earth. We ask you to join with us in the struggle for a socialist society, in which at long last you will really find complete freedom from want and true freedom from fear. The peoples of all lands will join with us, to build the world on new foundations. A world in which the age-long dreams of poets and prophets will become a living reality.

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