

Friday, November 11, 2022

Which Way to Go?


Social classes are not created by the wills of individuals, they are the outcome of prior economic development. The way wealth is organised and distributed between classes—the social relation of production—is dependent on a given stage of social development. The fact that at different times, men have found themselves, slave owner or slave, feudal lord or serf, employer or employee, expresses a definite historic mode of production, independent of the wills of those who participate in it and regardless of their good or bad intent. Different men are born in different social situations, hence unwilled by them. It is the degree of ’economic development corresponding to a given social situation which provides the objective possibilities for individuals having common economic aims, i.e., class aims, to further their interests.  Capitalism produces the will for socialism and the economic conditions for making it effective. Socialism is the only alternative to capitalism and it is this path that the working class must take if they are to achieve their class emancipation. Such is the nature of historic inevitability.

Working people want a political party they can control and call their own; a party that will advance the cause of the workers, and not deceive and degrade them for the benefit of the profiteers. People are turning away in revulsion from the discredited parties. The Socialist  Party is the kind of party they are seeking. The Socialist  Party is as different from the capitalist parties as the day is from the night. Our members are almost all workers. We welcome men and women of all colours, ages and sexual orientations on an equal basis. Join the Socialist Party to build a socialist society in which life on this earth will be a thing of beauty and a thing of joy.

So long as capitalism endures hunger and war will ravage the world. The Socialist Party will abolish the ruinous power and rule of the greedy, the capitalists, over the lives and welfare of the working people. It will reorganise industry and agriculture into a planned economy which will guarantee abundance, freedom and security to all. War and poverty, fear and race hatred will then disappear, and wage slavery will become a relic of the past. 

The precondition for a decent life for all is present in the industrial re-organisation of society and by the elimination of the private ownership of the means of production and of profits as the motive force in the production process. A socialist reorganisation of society would establish production for use on the basis of production of abundance, given even the present industrial apparatus, provide for a decent standard of living for all the people. 

We can imagine a world in which every person is safe and thriving, and we demand a society that will help us make that world a reality. We refuse to accept anything less.  We seek to create the best conditions for our communities. we also need everyone who backs the ongoing movement for human liberation to organise. Together, we are powerful beyond measure

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