

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

George Galloway and Memories

For my first blog in Socialist Courier i would like to dedicate this song and video to that so-called socialist , George Galloway , the ex-Labour Party and now Respect MP , who said this :-

"... If you are asking did I support the Soviet Union , yes I did. Yes, I did support the Soviet Union, and I think the disappearance of the Soviet Union is the biggest catastrophe of my life..."

Read here and also here for our answer to Galloway's mis-placed and mis-guided regrets .


  1. Anonymous1:16 am


    There are quite a few of us who know that the fall of the Soviet Union has created a problem globally. Far be it from me to support communism, but at the
    same time, the cold war was a restraining influence on two of the worlds super-powers.

    Since the early 90's the US has been free to do pretty much what ever it wants....and has.

    This is my understanding of the view of many people.


  2. While the threat of mutually assured destruction existed to restrain the so called superpowers,from using nuclear options,the actuality of destruction for millions of members of the working class is our primary concern as socialists/communists.We use the terms interchangably, to describe common ownership,democratic control of all the means and instruments for creating and distributinf wealth,a free access society,real socialism.
    The stench of the Gulag the slaughter at Kronstadt and the wars by proxy using covert and military means brought no respite for many millions, while workers in the more affluent nations were bought off by welfarism, as a holding operation, since deemed unnecessary.
    As you say the views of many people are still otherwise tied up to the fearfull powerlessness which represents a benign version of former soviet union to potentially restrain their masters and oppressors.It is our responsibility to dispell this chimera ,this illusion,this lie, in order that the worlds workers can deal with their own future,fearlessly,confidently and honestly, as it is their own responsibility to cast off their mental shackles and become revolutionary.
    As for the political parties of capitalism state and private enterprise we say ,a plague on all their houses,the world for the workers.

  3. Anonymous appears to be saying that evil countering evil creates a desirable balance . Galloway does not qualify his view of The Soviet Union that it was a necessary evil , but that he SUPPORTED it .

    I would also question Anonymous view of history . The Korean War ? The Vietnam War ? Just how strongly was this restraining influence exercised ?

    Prolerat states a plague on both your houses , and yes , he is right . My enemy's enemy is not my friend .
    A mistake many on the Left have made with their support of Islamic nationalist resistance to America and its allies .
    Unlike Galloway's shameless glorification , I am NOT Hezbullah . We are NOT all Hezbullah now . WE don't sacrifice thousands of workers lives to reclaim a few miserable square miles of Shebaa Farms .
