

Friday, November 24, 2006

Orwellian Newspeak

For the first time, the US Department of Agriculture's report on Americans' access to food, published last week, has omitted the word "hunger" in describing the condition of 11 million people who at times cannot afford to feed themselves in the US.

These people, among a group of 35 million who had trouble keeping food on the table at least part of last year, shall heretofore, according to the government, be described as experiencing "very low food security".

Justifying this shameless terminological sophistry , Mark Nord, a department sociologist and the lead author of the report, repeated this week that "hunger" is not a scientifically quantifiable term.

Representative Jim McGovern (Democrat, Massachusetts) , co-chairman of the Congressional Hunger Caucus - "hunger is a political condition".

And don't we Socialists damn well know it !!

1 comment:

  1. It seems 'very low food security' is a global condition generated by the competitive necessity of capitalism big, small,state,private,local,regional and global versions.After producing all of the wealth in society ,food clothing shelter and all other necessities,
    workers have their access rationed by the price and wages system.It is time workers stopped trying to liberalise and reform this system,also trying to centrally control it through statist solutions misnamed as socialism.All previous ,so called solutions, have been versions of capitalism leaving the monster mutated but intact.A classless,free access society,without wages and prices,controled locally regionally and globally by all of the worlds people is the only solution to the hunger problem which is a direct consequence of capitalism's,
    distributive success in maintaining social stratification, where poverty,real,and relative are an integral part of it's mechanisms of distribution and production.Any solution,however well meaning short of socialism is support for retention of the capitalist obscenities of hunger war ,poverty.
    "the world for the workers"
