

Friday, November 17, 2006

Oil keep going well , breaking heads till you break the spell

Green Oil Friendly BP
BP's US arm,after its tie-up with Amoco, is becoming America's most accident-prone business.

Federal regulators have accused BP of price gouging. Its corroded pipelines have been leaking in Alaska. A BP oil spill has polluted the coast of California. Civil rights activists are picketing its petrol stations.Not only this, but aftershocking safety lapses that caused its Texas City oil refinery to explode last year, killing 15 people BP's yellow sunburst logo and its eco-friendly "Beyond Petroleum" slogan, which once won cautious admiration even from the green lobby, now leave a sour taste in the mouths of many Americans. BP's public image is at rock bottom and the company is seen by some as a rogue foreign interloper.

Meanwhile in Ireland Shelling out the violence :

The GardaĆ­ do what cops do worldwide
in the service of the capitalist class and start breaking heads.

A sit-down protest by environmental activists trying to stop Shell building a gas terminal in County Mayo was broken up by truncheon wielding police thugs yesterday in the latest clash over the future of Ireland's Corrib gas field.

Campaigners, supported by many local residents, are demanding that the Anglo-Dutch oil company and its Norwegian partner, Statoil, build an offshore treatment plant instead of one at Bellanaboy, near Erris, in the far west of Ireland. Work on the site restarted earlier this month after an independent mediator failed to resolve the dispute.

It should come as no surpise that the industry which enlisted the thugs of the Nigerian government to have Ken Saro Wiwa executed for similar environmental protests should resort to using the forces of the state wherever it is confronted and checked in its quest for profits.
It is of course in the nature of capitalism Global as it is, to resort to any means fair or foul to deter a brake on its activities.Prepared to go to war if neccessity provides,it will hardly balk at breaking workers heads and hearts.
The solution of course is a removal of the ownership and control of all the planets' resources from the hands of an elite group whether constituted in the state or individual capitalist enterprises and the establishment of a new society of, free access, common ownership and democratic control.In a word socialism.
Complied from a report by A. Ramsay.

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