

Monday, November 13, 2006

Xmas every day for some!

Usually after Xmas, the problems of debt are the subject of discussion and advice in the newspapers. This year, result of the Farepak collapse, the discussion and advice is much earlier.

Scotland on Sunday report, that organisations such as Farepak are odious. They offer commission to someone in difficult circumstances, who then signs up all her friends, relatives and neighbours. They join because they know she needs the money.

The pressure for some to withdraw their money is resisted,
‘People like the idea that their money is ring-fenced
‘People living on a very tight budget, perhaps who are disabled or have a disabled child, find it helps them to put away just a small amount each week for Christmas, and know they can't touch it. Otherwise when money gets tight, they say they would dip into it.’

They had entrusted small weekly amounts to some 25,000 agents around Britain, who were often relatives, neighbours and friends. This collapse has left 150,000 families facing a miserable festive season.
The Farepak Response Fund has been set up by the Family Fund charity. This fund closes 25th November and if funds were divided among the families concerned, each would receive £30,provided no administrations expenses are included.
Scottish money advisers and charities are calling for the establishment of a properly regulated not-for-profit savings club as a solution.

Socialists say it’s not members of the capitalist class who join savings clubs. Santa knows where to deliver the quality presents. He visits those homes regularly.

Socialism does not have a money system, it is a not for profit system; it has a distribution system. People will take according to their needs; Production will be reduced as needs are reduced. No need to save. Consider the benefits.

1 comment:

  1. And just where are all the directors ? Ring-fencing their personal assets so they won't ever be touched .
    And in a bankrupcy such as this , It is the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise that get first bite of the cherry . Then , the banks . The banks ? Oh , so they are not private individuals under the law like you and me , but priviledged entities . Who would guess .
