

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Socialist Standard June 2007

Socialist Standard June 2007


You can get the full image version at the Socialist Party website.


6 The illusion of freedom
We are always been told that we live in a free society, but do we?

8 Camouflaging class rule
Our society is routinely described in terms that camouflague the reality of exploitation and class rule.

9 What free access means
Socialists often describe socialism as a society where there will be free access, but what could this mean in concrete terms?

10 Maoism as a class society - illusion and reality
Both supporters and opponents saw China under Mao as an egalitarian society without hierarchy but this was an illusion.

12 Unvarnished history of the Panama canal
The story of the building of the Panama Canal at the turn of the last century is an exposé of the operations of the capitalist system.

15 Philosopher, heal thyself
Marx said that philosophers only interpreted the world. To what extent has the philosopher Julian Baggini done this?

16 Charity versus equity
Commentary on a recent action aid letter citing a number of manifestations of the iniquities of global capitalism.

Bye-bye Blair

4 Pathfinders
Old Bones

5 Contact Details
14 Cooking the books 1
Economic cycling

16 Cooking the Books 2
Back to the seventies?

17 Reviews
Oil Wars; A Star Called Henry

18 Meetings
18 O.& D.O.P.
Our Object and
Declaration of Principles

18 50 Years Ago
Communist commotion.

19 Greasy Pole
Baldwin versus Blair

20 Voice from the Back
Prisoners of want;
Tough at the top?;
Down and out down under,
and more

20 Free Lunch by RIGG

Introducing the Socialist Party

The Socialist Party is like no other political party in Britain.

It is made up of people who have joined together because we want to get rid of the profit system and establish
real socialism.

Our aim is to persuade others to become socialist and act for themselves, organising democratically and without leaders, to bring about the kind of society that we are advocating in this journal.

We are solely concerned with building a movement of socialists for socialism. We are not a reformist party with a programme of policies to patch up capitalism.

We use every possible opportunity to make new socialists.

We publish pamphlets and books, as well as CDs,DVDs and various other informative material.

We also give talks and take part in debates; attend rallies, meetings and demos; run educational conferences;host internet discussion forums, make films presenting our ideas, and contest elections when practical.

Socialist literature is available in Arabic, Bengali, Dutch, Esperanto, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish as well as English.

The more of you who join the Socialist Party the more we will be able to get our ideas across, the more experiences we will be able to draw on and greater will be the new ideas for building the movement which you will be able to bring us.

The Socialist Party is an organisation of equals.
There is no leader and there are no followers. So, if you are going to join we want you to be sure that you agree fully with what we stand for and that we are satisfied that you understand the case for socialism.

Print off the form on bottom of page 3
of Socialist Standard and send it to
the Socialist Party for a free 3-Month trial of
the Socialist Standard.
Britains oldest Socialist journal
published since 1904.
Consistently making the case for socialism.






The Socialist Standard

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