

Monday, June 04, 2007

Mental well-being and Capitalism

The BBC reports a study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development found an increasing amount of sickness leave is due to depression or stress. Analysis of the records of 30,000 people found only muscle-related problems such as bad backs were cited as a greater cause of sick days .

Staff with depression were said to take an average 30 days off annually.

Those with stress were reported to be away for 21 days.

This confirms an earlier finding by a survey of 250 doctors . The poll of GPs reveals most believe firms do not do enough to prevent workers falling ill, and blame companies for failing those who are ill, and not doing enough to help them back to work.

94% of the doctors quizzed blamed employers for failing to take responsibility for their workers' health and well-being.

Capitalism is actually literally a depressing system to work under.

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