

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


"Britain is already the most tightly surveilled country in the world, according to civil liberty groups and security experts, with an estimated 4 million closed-circuit television cameras spying on roads, buildings, stations and shops. Not only does that equate to one camera for every 14 people, it also means that in a major city like London -- where CCTV is ubiquitous -- people run the possibility of appearing on camera up to 300 times a day as they move around. ...That came against the backdrop of government plans to introduce new digital identity cards and expand its DNA database -- both plans that provoked commentators to declare the onset of an Orwellian "Big Brother" society. In recent weeks there was even more cause for concern with the introduction of "talking" CCTV cameras in some towns, a system where unseen controllers admonish misbehaving passers-by through a loudspeaker. Mini, remote-controlled helicopters rigged with cameras have also been introduced in the north of Britain, allowing police to hover the aircraft over crime-ridden inner-city streets and monitor events." (Yahoo News, 17 June) Capitalism is becoming more and more a nightmarish distopia, undreamt of even by Orwell at his most pessimistic. RD

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