

Sunday, December 30, 2007


The press and TV hailed the US invasion of Iraq as one of liberation, but according to children's fund of the UN. It has turned out to be a strange form of liberation.
"More than four years after the United States invaded Iraq , the country's children continue to face a litany of problems from disrupted educations to unsafe drinking water, detentions and violence, UNICEF reported Friday. Violence and displacement often kept Iraqi children out of school this year. The organization estimates that 2 million educations were interrupted, especially among primary-school students. .. Eighty percent of children outside Baghdad don't have working sewers in their communities, limiting access to safe water. ...An average of 25,000 children per month were displaced within Iraq by violence or intimidation. ...By the end of 2007, about 75,000 children were living in camps or temporary shelter. ...About 1,350 children were detained by military and police, "many for alleged security violations." (Yahoo News, 21 December) RD

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