

Sunday, December 30, 2007


On the 23rd December 07, Jenny Percival, Westminster Editor of Scotland on Sunday, reports, in an article titled, “Brown faces revolt as MPs demand £100,000 salary”
“MPs ARE preparing to rebel over Gordon Brown's plans to keep their pay rise well below inflation, with some saying they should be paid £100,000 a year.”

Will this lead to strike? In a previous report on this blog, it was pointed out that
They don’t have to, they just hold reviews and then vote themselves an increase, saves them striking and allows them to get on with running the country.
Last year they were set to award themselves £10,000-a-year “communications budget” just days after it emerges they make around £200,000 each from their generous existing pay and expenses package.

So what is it that makes the MPs discontent? “Politicians from all parties told Scotland on Sunday they expected to receive the above inflation figure of 2.5% as they have had no increases in real terms for six years. With another review not due until 2010, they plan to seize this opportunity to boost their basic salary of £ 6O, 277 a year. It was claimed last night that the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) may recommend an increase over three years of 10%, which would take their salaries to £65,500 by 2010. Many MPs are now expected to back that recommendation against Brown's advice.”

What do MPs think they are worth? “A submission to the SSRB by a cross-party advisory panel says MPs should be paid around £100, 000 a year to keep their salaries in line with comparable workers, such as chief executives of small and medium-size councils and directors of services in larger councils.”

The MPs think they are worth a 40% rise in wages and no doubt they don’t think their proposed rise will bring the country to its knees, only the every day worker, the ones who produce all the wealth, can bring the country to its knees, "that is what they would have us believe.”
Still, you have to feel for them, “When you’re looking at police and nurses’ pay awards of around 2%, it’s very difficult for us to justify a higher figure, but….we are getting paid only about half the salary of people in comparable jobs.” Sad isn’t it!

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