

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Food for Thought 2

- Is crime related to the economy? Socialists have always argued that it is, and that most crime would therefore be eliminated with the end of money and the establishment of free access. In “Agencies Brace for Crime Wave” (Toronto Star, 27/Dec/2008), Robyn Doolittle (wonder if she works for the government?) reports that Toronto was hit by a one day high of 26 robberies just before Christmas and more is expected in 2009 as the economy deteriorates, unemployment rises and people get desperate for food (a natural expectation, I would think).
To confirm the socialist theory, gas thefts at the pump and from the driveways has eased as the price has fallen dramatically.
- On the environmental front, the European Union quickly put together a $332 billion stimulus package to help shore up falling production levels but had their work cut out to reach a ‘save the climate’ deal. Eventually, they reached an agreement that seems to meet the Triple 20 threshhold – 20% cuts to Greenhouse gases by 2020 while shifting 20% of energy needs to renewable sources. An examination of the fine print reveals, however, that caveats and concessions allow coal-powered Poland and heavily industrialized Germany to maintain business as usual. John Ayers

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