

Monday, January 05, 2009

Food for Thought

- The War on Poverty – The Ontario government’s latest poverty reduction plan has the target of reducing child poverty by 25% in five years, lifting 90 000 children out of dire straights. Remember when the promise was always 50%! We’ll see what really happens.
- Meanwhile, the government has raised the dental program age for poor children from 14 to 18 years, but we’re still waiting for the promised $45 million for low income adults and children to receive dental care, even though it’s estimated that a dollar spent on prevention saves up to $50 on fixing later problems.
- Carol Goar of The Toronto Star reports that The National Welfare Council criticizes welfare rates, slow progress, and the fact that welfare strips recipients of their pride, privacy, savings, and adequate diet. The Council has been a burr under Ottawa’s saddle since 1969, reports Goar – some burr!
- Still, we have to look at poverty reduction in a historical context. The Toronto Star article (5/Dec/2008), “Social Justice” told us that Governor John Graves Simcoe excluded the Poor Law when he set up our first government, ‘freeing the colony from responsibility of the poor’. But by 1836, the race to eliminate poverty was on with The Charity Aid Act, accepting public responsibility for the poor. Not long now, it’s coming!
- Meanwhile, The UN’s Food Agency stated that the number of under- -nourished people in the world is rising and is about to reach one billion for the first time in human history. Three cheers for capitalism? John Ayers

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