

Friday, July 10, 2009

Food for Thought

- How does government work for you? For Peru's Indians, not very well at all. While protesting oil and gas exploration on their lands, they were attacked by government forces protecting the rights of big capital, killing at least 30 protestors.
- The phony war on drugs waged by governments around the world continues apace. No country is free of drugs and in Mexico 40 000 troops, aided by the $1.6 billion US aid package, wage a war that has resulted in 10 700 deaths in the last three years but no decrease in drug trafficking.
- Then we can blame the government for the crap that goes on in its Schools. Recently, a grade 6 teacher in our Catholic school system had his students tie a letter to god to a helium balloon and let it go. Guess what? Somebody found one, replied to the student concerned, and this is proof that god exists, "I think a hundred years have passed since the famous,"Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus' letter. Perhaps this will have the same kind of snowball effect like – Yes, Bailey, there is a god" (Toronto Star) I'm happy that god is paired with Santa Claus because it puts in the correct context, but what drivel passes for education!
-How else does government spend money and resources? Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan are brought back to Toronto along the `Highway of Heroes' and given an autopsy. That's not to determine the cause of death because if you have bullets in your body or your head is blown off, the cause is pretty obvious. No, their findings are sent to military analysts to help generate better armour, equipment, and battlefield medical practices. Seems like the more bodies that come in, the more important information is gathered and the better the armour. Now if they put the same thought and energy into stopping war….is there no end to stupidity in capitalism?- Apparently, what government is not doing, among many things, is provide affordable housing for those in need. Toronto has 68 000 people on the waiting list and there are 130 000 in Ontario. They have been told to expect to wait ten years even though the Ontario government promised (in)action in 2007 John Ayers

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