

Friday, July 10, 2009


In the nature of capitalism it is necessary to have wise and learned people in control. Thus the need for politicians, diplomats, senior civil servants, financiers, political economists, bankers and lawyers. The list goes on and on of people who produce no wealth whatsoever but must be looked up to as "our betters" because they understand and can operate the system. So what are we underlings to make One of the defences of present day society and its class divisions is that because of the complex of this piece of farce?
"It would appear that the bank branded "Germany's Dumbest Bank" by Bild newspaper after an error handed $426 million to Lehan Brothers as it collapsed, can't get anything right. An executive at KfW Bankengruppe fired for the error has won a court case and two year's salary and bonuses." (Times, 3 July)
The whole thing beggars belief - far from them controlling capitalism, it controls them. Let’s get rid of this crazy system! RD

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