

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Beware of Greeks bearing votes

Beware of Greeks bearing votes
Greece gave us democracy, Europe and economics, in both concept and language.

While referendum is from a Latin route, Greeks also gave us chaos and catastrophe.

Also from Greek, Fathom Consulting's Yiannis Koutelidakis has today taught me a word that's going to weigh heavily on the Hellenic people - euthinophobia, meaning the fear of responsibility and duty.

All this is playing out in a global drama (another gift from the Greeks), with markets taking a deep dip on the news that the people could be about to have their say on the state of their nation's finances.


It is an delusion that 'we' can control or regulate a capitalist economy to do anything other than create the conditions of the next crisis.Capitalism comes with uncertainty, war,crisis as inbuilt inevitable concomitants of it.  It is a global system and can only be replaced by a revolutionary alternative.A free access society of common ownership and democratic control without markets.In other words, socialism.

1 comment:

  1. In case we doubt the capitalist class support for democracy such as a referendum, we have this quote from New York University law school professor and director at Global Economics Group, a corporate consulting firm that advises on issues like financial regulation and employment law, Richard Epstein when asked if the top one percent have too much control over the political system, Epstein replied:
    "Of course they have a disproportionate impact, but that doesn't mean that they control it. They also ought to have it. The last thing you would want to do in any kind of sensible society is to have a set of rules in which one man/one vote dictates over every issue."
