

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Food for thought

The Occupy movement continues to be a thorn in the sides of government and Big Business, and even capitalism is often singled out as the main culprit. Although socialist understanding is often lacking in the comments by participants, it is exciting to see a spontaneous movement against the establishment materialize out of nothing. Of course, there are severe circumstances for many. In Spain, for example, The New York Times (23/10/2011) writes that unemployment for youth is around 40% and 20% overall. Young people are being asked to work for a pittance with little chance of getting hired permanently with benefits. This temporary work, "...creates an enduring second-class job tier similar to the phenomenon of 'permatemps' in the United States in the 1990s".
Comments from Wall Street as reported by New York Times -- "Most people view it as a ragtag group looking for sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll."
"Who do you think pays the taxes/" "It's not a middle-class uprising. It's fringe groups. It's people who have the time to do this." (maybe because they are unemployed?). The newspaper asks, "Do the bankers get it? (Obviously not!)

On CBC radio, the one percent was invited to comment. One was 'don't forget it's the one percent that provides the entrepreneurs and the driving force for the economy'. The old myth that we depend on them and we would be lost and staggering around starving without them.
The good thing is the speed with which it spread around the world - as we always say, ideas respect no boundaries and socialism would do
the same. Also, capitalism is becoming the target more and more. John Ayers

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