

Sunday, July 28, 2013

For a new future

No sane person  can be satisfied with the present system. It is a question of human freedom versus human slavery and it is only the rich and powerful who are happy by right.

Socialism is not some utopian scheme. Capitalism has created the economic conditions for socialism. Today there is social production but no social ownership. Socialism will bring social ownership of social production. Socialism will be won through the overthrow of capitalism and the capture of political power by the working class.  In socialism, the working people will take over the economic forces developed by capitalism and operate them in the interests of society.  Because the workers will control the great wealth they produce, they will be fundamentally able to determine their own futures.

 It is a question not of reform, the mask of fraud,  but of revolution that the propagandists and apologists for the status quo have falsely associated with “anarchy and bloodshed.” Electoral struggle will  be one tactic among many. It is the most reliable, the most probable, and, at the right moment, the most decisive weapon in the workers armoury. But the actual manner in which the revolutionary process will develop and progress cannot be predicted. It may well not be a straight line to the electoral capture of power.  It will be something that people will forge out of the concrete experiences of engaging in the class struggle.

Our vision of socialism see the means of production – the factories, mines, mills, big workshops, offices, agricultural fields, banks, transportation system, media, communications, medical facilities, big retailers, etc.,being  transformed into common property of all. Production  will not be geared to make  profit, but to serve human needs. Rational self-regulating planning will replace the present anarchistic system. The working class must get rid of the ruling class exploiters, and put themselves in possession and control of the means of production. Workers will democratically run their own work places through workers’ councils and elected administrators. In this way workers will be able to make their work places safe and efficient places that can well serve their own interests as well as society’s. Although there will be no overnight miracles when socialism is first established,  the way will be cleared to achieve a decent, meaningful and productive life for all working people. Classes will disappear, the state will “wither” away, we will realise the object of “from each according to one’s ability, to each according to one’s need.”

 A new era of human freedom will arise. The world’s population will have free access to the wealth their labor produces, all of it, and enjoy with their families and friends and neighbors, the fruits of their industry in comfortable and happy homes, and share abundant and wholesome food, proper clothing and all other things necessary to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” How quickly this Earth can be transformed and made to blossom with beauty.

 The Socialist party offers the only remedy to the problems of to-days world, which is socialism and we are pledged to abolish the capitalist system, class-rule and wage-slavery and establish in its place an industrial and social democracy in which the workers shall be in control of industry and the people shall rule. We are pledged not to compromise our objective nor enter into alliance with non-socialist parties. It is simply a question of capitalism or socialism and those who are not wholly with us are wholly against us.

in its place an industrial and social democracy in which the workers shall be in control of industry and the people shall rule.

1 comment:

  1. Photo is a bit dated. I am sure socialism will not have all those chimneys spewing out smoke and pollution
