

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Only Solution

Many people will say “socialism is a good idea but it cannot be realised in practice.”

No blueprint can be given but socialists must at least present various scenarios as well as what is possible and not possible. Socialism is the organization of production for use by means of the common ownership and democratic control of the means of production, is the abolition of all classes and class differences.

Socialism offers a vision of a new society — a society of men and women living in mutual helpfulness and good will; a free, equal, and happy society of peace and abundance.  Socialism is the overthrow of the capitalist system, and the establishing in its place of a Co-operative Commonwealth.  Capitalism has only known how to cause humanity unhappiness; socialism will establish peace and happiness among men.

We cannot present what a socialist utopia would look like. This decision is not ours to make. All we can do is to help provide that spark that will help people to arrive at their own conclusions.

Being a socialist consists not in waiting for its actual realisation, but in striving, here and now for it.  Our theory is a guide to action. Only by deeds can socialism come about. Being a socialist is not merely in recognizing the trend of social evolution from capitalism to socialism endeavouring to help hasten its day. Being a socialist is not only holding a  vision that life will be better under socialism; that human nature, crippled and deformed in the class society, will assert itself and change for the better; and that people in the socialist society will be different and better but requires going beyond just words to achieve it.

Time and again the socialist struggle has been sidetracked by the appearance of a so-called radical leader who held out the promise of immediate victory and salvation. Time and again  people believed in the false prophet only to reap a heavy harvest of bitter disappointment.

The Socialist Party is not a party of patchwork reform, or a party of sham revolutionary phrases but, as a social democratic party, promoting within the working class movement a programme of education in the economic and political struggle. The goal of the Socialist Party is socialism, not  a reformed capitalism. Its tactics must be those that will bring about socialism. The Socialist  Party call on all socialists to fight the political fight on the straight ticket of revolutionary socialism. A reformist programme can be nothing but a reactionary capitalist programme to-day. We of the World Socialist Movement will fight this fight on the principle of the abolition of the private ownership of property. 

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