Monday, July 14, 2014 plain old socialism

Humanity stands on the brink of extinction yet few particularly care enough to be motivated into taking determined action to change things. The evidence is out there, in the open, for all to see, reported by the media, discussed by professionals and debated by politicians, that the world is in some real deep shit (literally). Even when the effects of climate change is being actually witnessed today, the proposals to reverse the process (if it is indeed possible to mitigate them now) is put off until  tomorrow, or better still, the day after tomorrow, or ideally, the week after next.

A plausible reason for disinterest and lack of engagement is that people have been manipulated into a fatalistic sense of acceptance. Plus most of the serious consequences will be for our children, or grandchildren, to face, not ourselves (or so many of us mistakenly led to believe). So the destruction of the environment isn’t really such an immediate problem like having to earn enough money to pay the rising prices at the supermarket check-out or to pay the energy bill (and conveniently forget the climate connection).

Having us passive and detached, rather than agitating to stop a pending catastrophe, suits governments and corporations very nicely. Because if we start questioning too much the causes of the problems and querying why so little is being done to fix the trouble, we will start to understand how our economics really functions, but far more importantly, for whose interests the system  really serves. The policy-makers may well be frightened of the fact that we just might learn the central role of business profits in shaping our future. The more we might discover about the truth in the supposed impartiality of decision making, the less faith and trust we could have in our 'betters’and their supposed superior sense of judgement.

 It is capitalism that steal the world resources and causes devastation of our natural environment.  Either we get rid of this system or it will destroy mankind. Time is of an urgency for people to take action. The hour is late.

Humanity is constantly aware of the influence of nature, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the energy we use. In short, we are connected with nature  and cannot live outside nature. An enormous amount of human labour has been spent on transforming nature.  We have subdued nature to serve the interests of society. Forests were destroyed and arable land increased. Forests were something wild and menacing, all our fairy tales told us so. In the name of civilisation the forests had been cut down, our natural surroundings tamed. The human interaction with nature has become increasingly disharmonised. From the influence of unplanned profit production processes our water, air, the soil, flora and fauna have become poisoned. The toxic changes even more dangerous than earlier thought and no longer controllable. If human beings do not succeed in preventing and reducing damage to the biosphere, plants, animals and people perish together. Life itself depends on whether humanity can resolve the ecological situation that have arisen today. The predictable consequences of capitalism is making man's destruction of the biosphere  inevitable (and an act of suicide).

This man-made environmental crisis is a global problem. Its solution lies in the rational re-organisation of production and a clear awareness of our planetary responsibility. The problem  cannot be solved scientifically but only politically.  People could be free to implement the adaptations to our way of life if it was not for the fact that we are busy serving our masters interests and intent upon achieving the goals of the capitalist class. The threat to the future of the planet and to very existence of the people who live on it, lie in the profit system. The challenge for all those who want a better world and to safeguard the planet is to stop that disaster before it is too late (...and the time grows shorter with every new day that passes). The future depends on wresting control of society from those who control it now.

Technological and scientific changes do not develop separate and apart from people. Men make the changes and, in the process are changed themselves. Their jobs will be different, their needs will be different, as will their demands, and above all their ideas and thinking will be different.

Capitalism wastes its own resources, and will do so as long as the present system lasts. Humans cannot exist other than by working with nature. Using the fruits of a scientific understanding we can build a world whose beauty we can enjoy. This is the kind of society socialists strive towards.  

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