

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Back Where We Started

One reason for the above attitude is revealed in The Toronto Star, December 12. (read Pessimistic on this site) The article tells us that precarious work is now so common in the public sector that, in recent years, it has been the most unionized sector in the country. Now, this last bastion of long term jobs with benefits is disappearing. Although the provincial government vowed to tackle job insecurity, 44% of ministry postings in 2014 were for temporary positions. Province-wide, one third of all jobs are insecure. Of the 300 job postings for correctional officers, for example, not one single position was permanent. And so cutting off the workers from access to benefits and pensions. Some of the temporary jobs were for summer students and for workers to cover for things such as maternity leaves but the trend is quite clear – the public sector has taken a leaf from the private sector in reducing costs. 
So, we are getting back to where we started over one hundred years ago and start the fight for wages and benefits all over again, better, dump the whole wages system and substitute security for all. 
John Ayers.

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