

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Scottish housing crisis

There are over 150,000 households on councils housing waiting lists in Scotland and 27,000 houses are long-term empty.

In 2014/15 there were 35,764 homelessness applications. There are 10,567 households, including 4,896 children, are living in temporary accommodation and 74,000 households are living in overcrowded conditions. 330,000 households now living in privately rented homes.

Shelter Scotland director Graeme Brown writes: “A good home is central to our wellbeing both as individuals and collectively as a nation. From improving our health outcomes to raising educational attainment, reducing reoffending and tackling inequality – all of these depend on whether or not people in Scotland have a decent home.”

Scotland risks creating a "generational gulf" between those with and without homes. Only the construction of at least 12,000 affordable homes every year for the next five could help bridge that gap, according to Shelter Scotland. Graeme Brown, explained: "Scotland's housing crisis risks creating a devastating generational gulf between the housing haves and the have nots. The high cost of housing and the stuttering supply of new affordable homes set against high and rising demand are at the heart of this crisis. Sadly, it is those on the lowest incomes and the most vulnerable people in our society who will bear the brunt of the housing crisis…” 

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