

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Lack Of Commitment In Life's Natural Path

In 2015, the overall unemployment rate in Toronto fell by 0.5% whereas the that rate for youth rose from 18% to 22% according to Toronto Youth Employment Services. Their explanation was that when there is a lot of choice for employers they will choose older, more experienced workers over youth. Obviously, this makes getting experience a tougher job. It means that our youth face a bleak future unless they learn to organize for socialism and put an end to the capitalist system.
Against this backdrop, it is reported that many young women are disappointed with finding life partners these days. Not surprisingly, young men don't want the commitment of raising a family and buying a home in an uncertain world where well-paid jobs are scarce and companies come and go at the drop of a hat and job security is low. 
So, capitalism is not just adept at ruining existing marriages with the economic pressure of low pay and unemployment but is now preventing many even getting started on life's natural path. Great job! 
John Ayers

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