

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Property Is Theft

On January 27, an article in "The Metro News" focused on the reappearance of an old crime, cattle rustling! Police say that it is on the rise in Alberta and Saskatchewan, driven largely by ranch hands stealing livestock when prices are high, "It's still a problem today. It's like any other property, if there is value to it people are going to steal it. In recent years the value of cattle has approximately doubled." said an RCMP spokesperson. The value of a cow varies from $1,500 to $2,000 and in 2015, six hundred were missing, presumed stolen in Alberta, and one thousand disappeared in Saskatchewan.
 So, clearly, nothing changes under capitalism and wherever there is private property there is value, hence theft. In fact, property is theft from the common ownership of the earth, so let's call it that and be done with it. 
John Ayers

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