

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Capitalism is the Enemy

Only a socialist world can give us peace and plenty. Look how the capitalist world keeps tottering on the brink of destruction. War is a grim reality for millions. The myriad evils of capitalism will disappear only with the destruction of capitalism and the construction of socialism. The struggle for socialism will be an arduous one but only by wresting the state power from the capitalists can we begin the task of building world socialism. We, in the Socialist Party, refuse to join the reformists in leading the workers into the camp of capitalism and support palliatives. Now is the time for the working class to overthrow capitalism not to fix it. In the process of capital accumulation by the capitalists, wealth is constantly accumulated at one end and poverty is accumulated at the other. “This,” Marx said, “is an absolute and general law of capitalist accumulation.” (Capital, Vol. 1)

Socialists have always taught that war was not a question of the wickedness of individuals but the result of the conflicts caused by private ownership and profit and the existence of separate national states. There is only one class which loses in war and that is the working class. There is only one force stronger than any weapon of mass destruction and that is the international solidarity of the working class. Workers everywhere have their class interests in common. It is to them and not to the rulers of the world we must look to for peace. End the system that leads to war. Fight for world socialism.

 The first requirement for the workers in all countries of the world is to break cleanly from the capitalist class and their political parties, and any and all concepts of coalitions with their parties. It is time to overturn the putrid capitalist system in all lands. The Socialist Party does not preach conciliation and peaceful co-existence with capitalism but advocates class struggle against it. Only through an irreconcilable struggle against capitalism, towards its elimination and the establishment of socialism, will the people of the world find the full freedom, equality and democracy for which they aspire. Capitalism promises not the amelioration of all the social problems but austerity, oppression, and the eventual and inevitable destruction of mankind. Technological progress is reaping vast profits for the industrial and financial oligarchy while condemning many workers to permanent unemployment. Only through socialism can the benefits of technological change for the workers by established such as the shorter working hours and better working conditions.  A socialist society opens up tremendous possibilities for all the people. The only road is the socialist road. Today it is the ballot that we use as our weapon against capitalism. Vote, then, for socialism. Vote for the Socialist Party, the only party that keeps the revolutionary red banner unfurled. The downtrodden, submissive slaves humbly bowing before the omnipotence of the modern Mammon of capital are lifting their heads and raising their voices in defence of their interests.  

Workers don’t need a crystal ball to see their future. The capitalists and their state, in their never-ending grasp for higher profits, are intent upon making the world a hell-hole of misery for the people. Yet if the working class were united, we could not only stop the assault on our standard and quality of life but could turn this planet into a storehouse of plenty for all. The problem is that people accept capitalism and its logic and therefore see no alternative to the current misleaders who defend that system at all costs. Many workers mistakenly believe that capitalism’s reforms can deliver for them. The reformists display little sense of the realities of capitalism; many believe that the growth of the welfare state will turn into a socialistic state as time goes on. The faith that capitalism can be made more humane on behalf of the poor is an illusion. It is wishful thinking. The answer to poverty is not a welfare state and more taxes on the rich but a new society based on human needs, not profits, which will have real solutions. As socialists who are loyal to our class, we support every effort on the part of workers to better their situation and improve their conditions. However, we are open about the fact that we will not be the ones who build and lead such struggles. That is the purpose of the trade union and social activist movements. Such mobilisations can show our fellow workers the power the working class has when united. The mass actions of demonstrations and marches must come from the bottom up and not be used as a tool by political parties for partisan recruitment. 

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