

Friday, May 06, 2016

Yours in Struggle,

The Socialist Party proudly declares itself a party of revolutionary socialism. This mean we stand for the abolition of capitalism, nothing more and nothing less. We do not stand for the reform of any institution under capitalism. Our activities are directed towards the complete overthrow of capitalism, and, to that end, we have concentrated our attention upon the education of our fellow-workers who are engaged in wealth production and who are exploited in the process. We reject a political policy of reformism, campaigning in elections for palliatives and amelioration of our working and social conditions but if elected on the single issue platform of establishing socialism, our members would support legislation that would advance the interests of the working class and aid the workers in their class struggle against capitalism. Elected members under the instruction and direction of the Party as a whole would support specific measures that improved working conditions and the lives of our fellow workers. It is important to note that no one is saying that socialists should abstain from the class struggle or from participation in mass movements. Our policy is to make rebels and not philosophers. But for now, the world socialist movement is in a similar position to that of the child learning to walk. The movement has been born, it is at the crawling stage, it has taken a few steps and had a few falls and tumbles, but in the swift evolution of events, it will be walking. From every standpoint, the outlook for socialism looks promising. We will be up and running.

Capital is the God that rules the world today, and it does so with an iron fist. The world’s factories and workplaces are the temples of this modern god. Upon its altars are sacrificed daily a multitude of men, women and children in order that the sweet incense of profit may waft into the nostrils of this divine brute. The God – Capital – reigns, and slavery, rapine, and slaughter are the normal conditions under his beastly sway. Just how long it is going to be before the workers deny this God its divinity and cease their offerings to it.

"You are all dreamers!" is the accusation thrown at the Socialist Party by those who believe in so-called practical politics and pragmatic policies. It is a usual saying with those who are anti-socialist that "Socialists are impossibilists."  On the contrary, we are urging upon society a practical realisation of ideals based on reality. We resolve not to stay wage-slaves any longer, but to struggle unceasingly against the capitalist class until we conquer power and establish the rule of the workers. The object of the Socialist Party is to organise and prepare the working class for the Social Revolution.

The Socialist Party is dedicated to the struggle to abolish all exploitation of man by man through the establishment of socialism. We are confident that, with effective work on our part and through their own experience, the democratic majority of workers will come to recognise the need for such a fundamental change in the economic basis of our society. The times are ripe for socialism. On a world scale, the objective conditions are ripe, rotten ripe, for the growth of the revolutionary world party. Everywhere, capitalism is mired in the morass of its own creation. Unemployment increases, poverty, undernourishment and sickness spread, prices rise and wages sink. For working people the recession of 2007/8 has never ended and still drags the people into even deeper depths of misery. Governments can answer recession only with repression. Trade unions freedoms are threatened and civil liberties curbed. The workers are in desperate need of the necessities of life and of secure, guaranteed living standards. Yet the majority of our fellow-workers remain outside the ranks of socialism. Why are capitalist parties still returned to power by pauperised people? Why?

Reformism remains an agency of a certain section of the ruling class. Revolutionary socialists do not subscribe to the theory that the workers must necessarily go through the experiences of reformism before moving towards the revolution. Reformism is a barrier to the development of revolutionary consciousness the working class. Our biggest job is to put our party on the map. Mass distributions of our magazine and leaflets plus our public meetings, will not be sufficient to overcome our comparative isolation. We must demonstrate to the workers that we are a serious political party and it for this reason that we enter the political arena by running candidates in elections.  

We aim to replace the present capitalist system, with its inherent injustice and inhumanity, by a social order from which the domination and exploitation of one class by another will be eliminated, in which economic planning will supersede unregulated private enterprise and competition, and in which genuine democratic self-government, based upon economic equality will be possible. The present order is marked by glaring inequalities of wealth and opportunity, by chaotic waste and instability; and in an age of plenty, it condemns the great mass of the people to poverty and insecurity. Power has become more and more concentrated into the hands of a small irresponsible minority of financiers and industrialists and to their predatory interests, the majority are habitually sacrificed. When private profit is the main stimulus to economic effort, our society oscillates between periods of feverish prosperity in which the main benefits go to speculators and profiteers, and of catastrophic depression, in which the common man's normal state of insecurity and hardship is accentuated. We believe that these evils can be removed only in a planned and socialized economy in which our natural resources and principal means of production and distribution are owned, controlled and operated by the people. We aim not to crush individuality but seek is a proper collective organization of our economic resources such as will make possible a much greater and richer individual life for every citizen. The road to jobs for all, to prosperity and plenty for all, to peace, is the road to socialism. There is no other. The capitalist system is irreparable, and any programme that is based on any illusions on this score or has this in mind is bankrupt and will only lead to the demoralisation, disillusionment and open betrayal of those who count on it. The world needs a new system and it is the aim, the purpose, the intention of the Socialist Party. The society of human brotherhood, freedom, peace, that is socialism, is the noblest aim that man has ever aspired to. It has reason and truth on its side. It will eliminate all the pettiness, narrowness, conflict that now saps man’s potentialities. All will gain.

The Socialist Party does not worry about reorganising the trade union movement; we do not propose to fritter away our forces in guerrilla warfare with the capitalist class about better conditions under capitalism. It is inevitable that the workers will resist the conditions imposed upon them under capitalism and should seek some redress against their oppression. Thus the origin of trade unionism. It is our duty to point out the limitations of these means of defence and urge them to take offensive measures against capitalism. To say that by the general strike alone the workers can emancipate themselves is ridiculous—it is only part of the action necessary for the overthrow of capitalism. It is a common saying that the workers control in industry, their "economic power" and so on, but we must recognize that the workers, by refusing to work do not demonstrate their control of industry. They demonstrate the fact that they can destroy industry by refusing to work. To destroy a thing is one thing, to control it is another. A strike by the workers could make it impossible for the capitalist to extract profits—but that does not give the workers control of industry. The workers must not only make it impossible for the capitalist to rule—they must take over society and rule themselves. We cannot sit down and wait patiently for capitalism to collapse. Conditions call for action. Conditions were never so favourable as they are today for the unfurling of the red banner of socialism. The fight goes on and will only end with the establishment of world socialism. Rally to the call for complete emancipation! In answer to the oppression of the capitalist class let our battle cry be:

"Workers of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains; you have a World to gain."

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