

Friday, May 06, 2016

How Green is my Capitalist Nonsense

TWENTY-ONE year old Ross Greer is celebrating a personal victory today after becoming the youngest-ever MSP at Holyrood.

The former Bearsden Academy student gained a seat for the West of Scotland region having first joined the party when he was just 15.

It used to be said, "there is no fool like an old fool", but the legacy of utopian reformism seems to be carrying on through even younger apologists,however well meaning and sincere they may be personally.

His posts on the Greens website appears to be in keeping with the Green party politics but more generally capitalist politics:
'Only the Scottish Green Party offered the practical solutions that I wanted, combining social justice and equality with sustainability and practical solutions to tackling climate change.'

All of the parties say this, with some variations on the theme and it is a nonsense in the context of a social system which depends upon the exploitation of a majority of wage enslaved workers, to produce for sale in the profitable interests of a minority parasite economic class.

Only a commonly owned, production for use ,free access society can deliver real social equality and do away with waged slavery, rationed access and governments 'over' the people.

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