

Friday, May 06, 2016

Raking in the cash on poverty

ANTI-poverty campaigner Sir Bob Geldof has charged Australian organisers $100,000 to give a speech about world suffering.     
Geldof, 54, spoke about the tragedy of Third World poverty and the failure of governments to combat the crisis at a Crown casino function in Melbourne on Thursday night.   But he charged about $100,000 for his troubles - a speakers fee that included the cost of luxury hotel rooms and first-class airfares.
Fellow activist, World Vision CEO the Reverend Tim Costello, spoke for free. An event insider said the Geldof payments, which included the costs of a minder, appeared hypocritical.   "It was an inspiring speech. But when you think he got paid $100,000 to talk about poverty it seems like a bit of a contradiction," the insider said:

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