

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Our Goal is World Socialism

The rebellion of working class people against the rotten conditions they live and work under is an inevitable result of capitalism. Low pay, long hours, increasing unemployment, rising food prices, and slum housing all are the targets of the increasingly militant working class movements around the world. Equally inevitable, however, are capitalism’s schemes to divert workers’ anger, to get people to view themselves rather than the system as the source of their problems. All sorts of theories have been conjured up by intellectuals and academics to justify the oppression and repression of the working class. Socialists, however, look at capitalism with the eyes of realists. They see that it holds no future but of more havoc and more devastation. Socialists are fighting to sweep capitalism off the stage of history, to make way for a new world based on human needs and aspirations. Unity is what is needed now between employed and unemployed, between men and women, between black and white, among all those who want to end the horrors of war and halt the ruination of the earth which capitalism is accomplishing. With each separate group fighting in a narrow one-sided way for its own interests, all will be defeated. The lesson is clear in the class war. The army of labour fights well only when it is conscious of its aim. Its aim must be clearly stated; the reasons must be given as clearly and precisely as possible. Every related event, every important development must be made known and publicized as broadly as possible, especially to those who carry the burden of the fight, in order to keep them aware, to keep them alert, and to maintain the necessary confidence. That is why publicity by and for the workers becomes the life blood of struggle. It is one of the workers’ best weapons.

Socialists often hear the comment that "Socialism is a good idea but it’s not practical." But today it’s becoming more apparent than ever that it is the present system — capitalism — that is impractical and unworkable. We stand for a socialist society where ownership and control of the means of production are taken out of the hands of the tiny minority of capitalists and placed in the hands of the majority. The capitalist system is run for the profits of the few, not the needs of the majority. Workers in all lands need to stand together against the worldwide system of oppression and exploitation that is capitalism.

The real problem is not “globalisation" the spread of production across national borders and the diminution of the powers of national governments. The evil is capitalism: the domination of the global economy by a narrow elite. The IMF/World Bank are their servants. Of course, in the eyes of the reformists, socialist revolution is a pipe-dream. What is needed now, we were told, is practical accomplishments. But the anti-globalisation proposals themselves prove that it is reformism that is utopian, requesting capitalism not to be capitalist. Blaming foreigners for capitalism’s evils is a sure way to divide the working class and lead it to defeat. Why listen to leaders who embrace the Democratic Party as an answer, when fewer and fewer workers vote in each election, seeing nothing to choose between the capitalist parties? There is hope for a better world, a socialist world, but we must lose no time. It is a worldwide struggle of the vast majority of human beings against a tiny exploiting minority. In our numbers lies our strength. The Socialist Party strives for a society in which peace, prosperity, and plenty will be normal. Our aim is to build a mass socialist movement on a global scale, to replace capitalism with world  socialism.

And we’re active promoting our aims 365 days a year. Capitalism must be abolished. Working people need to throw the capitalist parties out of office. When the vast resources available to us are used to serve the needs of all instead of the profits of the few, and when we are all part of a world socialist commonwealth, then the way will be opened for unparalleled growth in culture, freedom and the development of every individual. Such a society is worth fighting for.

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