

Saturday, September 24, 2016

End the Power of the Boss Class

We live in a world dominated by capitalism, a system which allows a small minority to oppress and exploit the great majority of humanity. We live in a world rife with misery. It is capitalism that brings about great inequalities, starts murderous wars, steals the resources of lesser countries and causes the destruction of our environment. Hunger, poverty, unemployment, discrimination, and repression are still the fate of the majority of the people of the world.  Either we get rid of this system or it will destroy mankind. The only way forward is a class-free and state-free society on a world scale where people live in harmony with one another and with nature. The working class must depose the capitalist ruling class and establish socialism, a system of real, popular democracy that sets about the reconstruction of society.  These are crucial times for working-people at a time in which it is necessary to make a sober assessment of the present situation and perspectives.

It is through such a free association when labour in all its aspects becomes controlled by the workers themselves that production will rest not upon decisions of the planners, but of the freely determined wishes of the producers themselves. Socialism will have no need of the irrational remnants of a past age of exchange, such as prices and money. Humanity has reached a turning point in its history. The dreams of the past have become real possibilities for a future that can already be foreseen because the material conditions necessary for achieving them have arisen. Only a socialist revolution can put an end to the capitalist relations of exploitation that are now the fundamental obstacle to further progress for mankind to a society of abundance, of justice and of freedom. Socialist revolution is the only way that the working people can ensure the abolition of all exploitation. The working class cannot free itself without freeing all of humanity at the same time because the ultimate goal of its struggle is not to replace the power of one class with that of another but rather to abolish all classes. This is the only way to put an end to all the social divisions and inequalities that have characterized class societies thus far. The expropriation of the capitalists and the socialization of the means of production will lead directly to the abolition of a society divided into classes with opposing interests. The abolition of classes will, in turn, lead to the withering away and elimination of the State

The fundamental interests of the working class are the same throughout the world. The socialist revolution in one part of the globe is inseparable from the world revolution elsewhere. People say that we socialists are utopian because we hold to the view that we could run our lives in a much more harmonious way. We are called utopian because we dare to suggest that a new society is the only solution to the mess we're in. Socialism stopped being utopian once the level of technology brought the potential to produce an abundance of goods to meet everyone's needs. There's certainly nothing utopian about suggesting that we could organise a better world now. In a socialist society, we shall work because it is useful to do so. People will contribute according to their abilities. In return, they will take freely from the common store of wealth in accordance with their self-determined needs. Women and men will have free and equal access to the wealth of society. Free access to all wealth will be the right of all people in a socialist society, regardless of whether they perform visibly caring work or less obviously important work or if, as a result of age or illness, they are unable to work at all. In a wage-free society, the sole rewards for work will be the satisfaction of utilising your mental and physical faculties and the appreciation of others. By describing how socialism would operate we simply point out how our potential could be realised if we used current knowledge in a different but more appropriate way. It isn’t utopian.

The Socialist Party stands in hostility to the boss class. We are out to end their power. There is nothing utopian about that. 

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