

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The World Needs Socialism

It should be no surprise that a growing number of people have begun to question capitalism. Many now know only economic instability and environmental degradation. Each new day brings additional burdens to the already bleak prospects for the future. For young Americans they are more likely to live in poverty or low wages than their parents, they are more likely to be unemployed or underemployed even though they are most educated than the previous generation. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the wealthiest 10% of families owned 76% of all family wealth in 2013. Those in the bottom 50%, by contrast, owned just 1%. Where did all this "wealth" come from? What are the legal and social roots of this "ownership"?

There is no real solution to the problem of poverty until we abolish the capitalist system. This goal — the abolition of capitalism —is shared by all the members of the World Socialist Movement (WSM). Poverty, war, and racism are not separate problems but caused by the same economic social system – capitalism. The task of the WSM is hopefully transforming the presently small socialist movement into a mass movement for real change. The appetite for social change is widespread. There is a hunger for an alternative to capitalism. Our job as world socialists is now to educate, agitate and organise, to make the struggle for socialism the immediate demand, to make the revolution a political reality. Capitalism cannot be saved. Our system doesn't require a rebooting.  What our system requires is to be replaced completely. It's up to us to create a new system which works fairly for all of us. It's time to move forward and introduce the next economic system. Socialism really is the only permanent solution to the world's problems. When production is driven by profit, then we get shoddiness in the product and misery in the producers. People need to do is rise up, revolt, and take the people's stolen back from the elite ruling class.

A world socialist society is the only solution for the contradictions in present global society. Only a socialist society can utilize rationally the natural resources and productive machinery of the earth in the interests of the peoples of the earth. Only world socialism will remove the causes of wars that under capitalism now seriously threaten to send mankind into barbarism or complete destruction. Many persons are now starting to understand that it is more than incompetence, stupidity or corruption of politicians but that the system itself cannot work properly any longer whoever is in charge. People are beginning to realise that the present system of society must itself be done away with and a new system substituted, not just a change of personnel nor palliatives, but a fundamental change in the whole structure of society.

The World Socialist Movement claims to know the nature of the revolutionary change that alone can save our society from continuing and increasing degradation. We call upon fellow-workers no longer willing to suffer exploitation and injustice, who have chosen not merely to complain or even protest but to change things to join us. The WSM proposes to capture the state machine, not to assume office but to do away entirely with the state and instead establish a future co-operative society. Studying the past is only meaningful for the WSM inasmuch as it enables it to better orient their work in the present to act in the interest of the workers, to use this understanding to achieve the better society to which mankind aspires. The WSM believes that advances in science, technology, and civic life have already created the material conditions necessary to set up a free society without classes, exploitation, and oppression, i.e. a world socialist community. 

The worker in capitalist society is a slave (a “wage-slave”) in the sense that while he or she can govern the disposition of his or her labour power, but in the end must sell it to some member of the capitalist class, in which case the wage and working conditions are in the end determined by the law of value. Engels said that the modern proletarian is “the slave of no particular person but of the whole property-owning class”

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