

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Unsolvable Within Capitalism

Falling gas prices are prompting Americans to rekindle their love for bigger cars, pickup trucks and SUVs. This is bad news for the makers of hybrids and electric cars. Seventy-five percent who traded in a hybrid or electric car, so far this year, have replaced them with all gas cars, (according to a survey released by the New York Times, August 19/2016.) This is an 18% increase on the figures from 2015 figures and the year's not over. President Obama's aim was that one million electric cars would be sold in 2015, but, in the last nearly two years, it is 442,000. Furthermore, 16.2% of U.S. greenhouse emissions come from SUVs and pickups.

Primarily, it's the working class who are buying the cars that pollute, which proves the problem of too much greenhouse emissions can't be solved within capitalism.

Better wake up folks, before it's too late! John Ayers.

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