

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Jeremy Corbyn calls for maximum wage law

 So we can conclude that the Labour Party do not want socialism then and wish to continue supporting capitalism and the wage slavery system from which capitals profits arise.

 The Labour leader says a cap on earnings is needed to address inequality and avoid UK becoming ‘bargain basement economy’.

 It has always been a real bargain for the capitalist class who produce nothing save capital already stolen, due to their privileged ownership of the means of production and distribution, further accumulate even more capital through exploiting fellow humans need for food, clothing and shelter, by providing a waged rationed access to the necessities of life, while reaping the benefit of the productive capacity of their workers to produce a surplus above that, indeed  all of the worlds wealth springs from labour.

 Jeremy Corbyn has called for a maximum wage for the highest earners, saying he fears Brexit will see the UK become a “grossly unequal, bargain basement economy”.

 The Labour leader would not give specific figures, but said radical action was needed to address inequality. “I would like there to be some kind of high earnings cap, quite honestly,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Tuesday.

 When asked at what level the cap should be set, he replied: “I can’t put a figure on it and I don’t want to at the moment. The point I’m trying to make is that we have the worst levels of income disparity of most of the OECD countries.
“It is getting worse. And corporate taxation is a part of it. If we want to live in a more egalitarian society, and fund our public services.

.. obviously not socialism then. Real socialism is a post-capitalist society where waged slavery will have been abolished.

 As capitalism is run from top to bottom by the working class, 95%, so it can be replaced by a commonly owned, production for use, free access society, with no elite access to its products.

 The capitalist class, liberals or neo-cons, are an economic parasite class.

 All government, however well meaning politicians are, whether Leftist Rightist, Centrist,or "Can't make up their mindist", to win power, are governments over us in the interests of this dominant economic capitalist parasite class.

 That class control is easily removable when the workers of the world aspire to a free access, democratically controlled , commonly owned, world where production is for the use of everyone to satisfy all human needs, where the organising principle is , "From each according to their ability to each according to their needs".

 Marx warned us about those pretentious political pseuds,reformers and reactionary alike, Left, Right and Centre and insisted we have to make the new society without them.

 We urge you to consider what socialism is.

What is socialism?

" The emancipation of the working classes must be conquered by the working classes themselves. We cannot, therefore, co-operate with people who openly state that the workers are too uneducated to emancipate themselves and must be freed from above by philanthropic big bourgeois and petty bourgeois."(1879 Marx and Engels )

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