

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Labours share of (H)unts

The latest rat to leave Labour's sinking ship is Tristram Hunt, author of a hostile biography of Frederick Engels. He is leaving parliament to take a higher paid job as head of the Victoria and Albert Museum. In doing so he shows two things.

First, that many Labour MPs are just careerists. With Labour doomed to lose the next General Election there's no chance of any of them becoming a government Minister until at least 2025, i.e. for at least 8 years. Those who can change career -- and as an academic Hunt can -- are doing so. The rest are going to have to stick it out. But even without a minister's salary the money's not that bad..

Second, at least he practises what he preaches. Under the headline ‘We’re furiously pro-business, Labour MP tells private sector’, the Times (9 February 2015) reported him as saying:
"I’m enormously enthusiastic about businessmen and women making money, delivering shareholder return, about making profit".

And historians.

The cause of the Labour Party is not the cause of socialism and never was. It's original reason for existing was to get reforms for working people.

Damn all to do with socialism.

Real socialism is a post-capitalist society where waged slavery will have been abolished.

All government, however well meaning politicians are, whether Leftist Rightist, Centrist,or "Can't make up their mindist", to win power, are governments over us in the interests of the dominant economic capitalist parasite class.

“The Labour party has never been a socialist party, although there have always been socialists in it – a bit like Christians in the Church of England.” (T. Benn)

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