

Sunday, September 10, 2017

And they call it charity...

At least 400 children are thought to be buried are believed to be buried in a mass grave in a section of St Mary's Cemetery in Lanark, Lanarkshire, southern Scotland, according to an investigation by BBC News.
The children were all residents of a care home run by Catholic nuns, The Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul.
Frank Docherty and Jim Kane discovered an overgrown, unmarked section of St Mary's Cemetery during their efforts to reveal physical abuse which they said many former residents had suffered.
The death records indicate that most of the children died of natural causes, from diseases common at the time such as TB, pneumonia and pleurisy. Analysis of the records show that a third of those who died were aged five or under. Very few of those who died, 24 in total, were aged over 15, and most of the deaths occurred between 1870 and 1930.
Socialist Courier are minded of the fact that these same nuns are proponents of the right to life - no contraception or abortion - yet have a total disregard for the dignity of death. Dead children discarded in an unmarked grave. 

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