

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Lives Don't Matter As Much.

The recent movie, "Dunkirk" certainly qualifies to be included in the obscene and heard department. Its directing is taut, the acting is good, but nevertheless, it is sickening to see boys being murdered for attempting to further the interests of capitalism. Sickening also to read the comments of the reviewer in the Toronto Star July 29 "…best treatment of a dive bomber attack circa, 1940 that I have ever seen."

Well, whoopee-de-doo, let's all go on a 3-week bender to celebrate. The most telling comment is when an army officer asks a naval one, why the navy won't come and help evacuate 340,000 soldiers stranded on the beach and receives an honest reply. "They" need the ships to fight other battles.

The translation being, "the capitalist class don't give a crap about the lives of thousands of people." As it was, private individuals using pleasure craft got them off.

John Ayers.

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