

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Socialism is coming to a place near you

The world is facing profound political and economic crises. Disasters do not usually come out of the blue even if they are described as “acts of God”.  They arise from a capitalist system which seeks profit maximisation at all cost and at the expense of all else because this is what the system requires. The real root causes behind this series of extreme weather events is capitalism as we have witnessed time and time again. Always the end result of this market system of economics is the suffering of communities around the world.  CEOs and the shareholders make the ultimate decisions about how the world will run.  The bottom line always comes down to our current system of capital accumulation and the need for never-ending expansion and growth. Capitalism's effects are insidious and are like cancer. Capitalism is sickening the planet. Our entire economic system is THE problem. Once we identify a disease, we set about determining the cure. We must set about creating a better society for everyone. A necessary step is the building of unified mass struggles at a global level that can truly oppose and respond to the devastation wrought by the capitalist system throughout the world. Our challenge in the Socialist Party is to articulate the various resistances in a single process to replace capitalism. Around the world, we face the same menace and so we should struggle together.  The working class can only emancipate themselves when educated and organised.

The sole aim and object of the Socialist Party is the establishment of socialism, a social revolution and the complete transformation of society. The emancipation of the working class can only mean extinction for the capitalist class who must be deprived of ownership of the means of wealth production. This is the conscious goal of the Socialist Party, because only by that means can the power of the ruling class be broken. The Socialist Party's objective is to strip the capitalist class of the power they wield to-day— to take from that class that which gives them the power to exploit and makes of them a separate and ruling class. Stripped of political power and ownership in the means of wealth production, capitalists and capitalism cease to be, and the working class, having rendered them powerless by capturing the machinery of government, are at once free to organise production and distribution on the basis of common ownership and democratic control.  We deny to the capitalist the right of exploitation, the right to govern, the right to live in idleness and luxury: We deny to capitalists the right of existence. The capitalist class is parasitic, are useless, pernicious, corrupt, brutal and hypocritical. We are convinced that their affluence is the result of robbery, and that the poverty of our own class is due to this robbery. The Socialist Party is, therefore, committed to the task of ending capitalism. The Socialist Party is the implacable enemy of the employing, owning class.  There is no affinity of interests, no compromise, nothing in common that can unite us with that class. We are pledged to stand shoulder to shoulder with our comrades and fellow-workers to wage the class war for the utter extinction of capitalism.  The class war is the only war that matters. The Socialist Party, therefore, takes no side in capitalist quarrels but works consistently for the overthrow of capitalism. We do not accept the righteousness of any of the belligerents because the capitalist class of each nation lives by the robbery of his class. Our object is to end the chaos and ruin that afflicts society.

The Socialist Party will neither be deceived nor intimidated. The Socialist Party is intent on exposing every capitalist bait that may tempt the workers, to lay bare the hollowness and the futility of all their reforms, and to reveal the baseness and greed that stimulates all their actions. We shall endeavour to strip away the disguise of so-called workers' friends and “allies” and exposed them as the frauds that they are. 

The capitalist class cannot safeguard the population against hunger and starvation, although the wealth actually produced by the workers would suffice for a population very much larger. Capitalism fails to protect the workers in peace-time from poverty. It has even failed to keep the peace. Its failure is complete a failure for all men and women to see. Yet still the ruling class hope that the working class will continue to leave them in possession of all the means of wealth production ; that abundance may still be theirs ; that the right to exploit shall still belong to them, even though their rule is responsible for a continuous glut of wealth side by side with universal poverty.

To support such a system is a crime against humanity and against your fellow-workers. We have Planet Earth to take back from the thieves who have stolen it from us. In a world socialist society of production for need, all goods and services would be available to all people on the simple basis of free access.  Our choice is not between the dictatorship of the market and the dictatorship of some state-bureaucracy. A free, socialist society without either the market or the state is possible. 

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