

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What the Socialist Party is

 The Socialist Party seizes every opportunity for making the working class conscious of socialism as the only ultimate answer to the machinations of global capitalism.  It is our task to drive home the lesson that socialism is the only way to cure the evil effects of capitalism. The Socialist Party stands solidly upon the belief that socialism can only be attained by a working-class invincibly strong through socialist knowledge; all our activities are directed towards the spreading of this knowledge.  Our movement seeks to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.  "What has the Socialist Party done during all its years of its existence?” is the accusation Socialist Party members lecturers frequently meet from Johnny-Come-Latelys and Will O' the Wisps on the Left. The answer is quite a simple one.“The Socialist Party has remained in existence!” 
 Nevertheless, we cannot really blame them their ignorance in decrying the Socialist Party. We, in the Socialist Party, have not joined in any of the many varied popular reform movements which have sprung up. Nor have we compromised our principles in campaigns for a position of power to impose our opinions upon others.
The Socialist Party is simply an organisation for the class-conscious workers agreed as one body for the overthrow of the capitalist system and the consequent emancipation of our fellow-workers from wage-slavery, while knowing and understanding that until our fellow members of the working class desire their own emancipation, the Socialist Party can serve no other purpose than to keep propagating socialism until the consummation of that desire. Thus we work pointing out the appropriate path while the workers chase up and down the side-track of reformism or cul-de-sacs of insurrectionary militancy. For sure, workers will try every road before it finds the right one, and therefore we are convinced eventually they will discover and learn about our case for socialism.
Many revolutionary groups are convinced that any overthrow of capitalism will involve some sort of insurrectionary civil war. This is usually based on the premise that the ruling class will violently oppose any attempts to usurp it and therefore must be defeated militarily. The Socialist Party has a different point of view, based on reason and practicality. Quite frankly, the sheer amount of deadly force in the possession of the entire ruling class, and the willingness to use it will never be matched by any revolutionary movement.  This is evident where than an easily identifiable enemy to engage in battle.  Furthermore those revolutions, no matter how well-intentioned, quickly descend into totalitarianism, themselves. We hold that a successful socialist revolution cannot take place until the majority of the world's population desires it. Only then will the ruling class be at a true disadvantage and the time to act arrive. Socialism will be accomplished by a worldwide referendum - but only when the time is right. 

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