

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Film Review Watch The Trailer

From World Socialist Party New Zealand, Moggie Grayson gives us his review of the movie, The Young Karl Marx -

Hello Comrades,
At this year's Film Festival in Wellington I went along to see "The Young Karl Marx". If you haven't seen it yet, I can thoroughly recommend it. It deals with Marx and Engels from their first meeting through to when they published The Communist Manifesto. It was mostly filmed in Europe and the dialogue is mostly in French and German. A few people commented that they had difficulty reading the sub-titles at the bottom of the screen, so I wouldn't recommend trying to watch it on a small T.V. screen, unless you can get a DVD that has been dubbed into English. If you get the chance to go and see it at a cinema I'm sure you will find it absorbing. I was hoping to find a review of it in The Standard, but maybe it hasn't made the Film Festivals in your neck-of-the-woods yet. You can find reviews of it on the internet.


Yours for Socialism,
WSP NZ - Save the planet - its the only one with chocolate!

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