

Thursday, October 05, 2017

The No Solution Remedy

Gods buddy, Justin Welby, a.k.a. the Archbishop of Canterbury was reported in the London Sun, September 6, as pretty p.o.d about the wage inequality in U.K. Mostly the dear old Bish mouthed off really fierce at the heads of the Financial Times Stock Exchange paying themselves more than 150 times their average employees wage.

Bishy, previously an oil exec. said,''Between 2010 and 2015, when many workers were seeing their pay fall in real terms, the median pay for directors in FTSE 100 companies rose 47 per cent. The seemingly runaway nature of high pay among the richest and most powerful bears little relation to the experience of the majority of people".

Boy! does this guy catch on fast. And just how does Mr. Bishy suggest we fix the problem? To sum up his long and garbled discourse briefly its simply tax the crap out of the rich dudes. Therefore the government which, let's face it, is the executive committee of the capitalist class would have more loot in its pathetic attempt to administrate a chaotic system, like B.F.D. Exploitation, war, poverty, unemployment and all the other niceties of capitalism would continue no matter how much the parasites are taxed. Nor would their political stooges do what he wants, if anyone did anything in this matter Mr. Welby should be doing stand up comedy. The old Bish would be better advised advocating a world where wages wouldn't exist.

Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

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