

Friday, October 20, 2017

No more smacking children

Smacking children is to be banned in Scotland, the Scottish government has confirmed.
The move would make the country the first part of the UK to outlaw the physical punishment of children. At present, parents in Scotland can claim a defence of "justifiable assault" when punishing their child - although the use of an "implement" in any punishment is banned, as is shaking or striking a child on the head. Mr Finnie, a former policeman, tabled a members' bill at Holyrood calling for the "justifiable assault" defence to be scrapped and for children to be given "equal protection from assault".
The physical punishment of children is already illegal in 52 countries.
Banning smacking has been backed by the UN, academics and charities, while the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents and Scottish Borders Council have supported Mr Finnie's bill.
Childrens' charity NSPCC Scotland said the move was a "welcome step on the road towards fairness and equality for children", saying a change in the law would be "a common sense move".

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