

Friday, October 20, 2017

Star Gazing

 In Victoria Derbyshire's program on channel two October 17th her guests were Professor Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince.  Professor Brian Cox was discussing how two black holes merge together and create gravitational waves which can be registered here on Earth and seems to answer the question of how gold is created as the method of producing gold was a bit of a mystery until the idea of two stars banging together made them realise this could just be how gold was created.
Groups of young students asking questions ensued and one was "How are the poor people going to earn a living when those robots do more and more of the work?"
Professor Cox said it was a good question and at a recent conference they thought the answer to be the generation of new machines and new industries faster than industries failing.
Robin Ince was more aware what was being ignored (the elephant in the room) He jumped in with the need to think more about people and human relationships than profit. "These things will have to be considered"
Professor Cox must think more about how capitalism works back here on earth.  Workers are paid a wage based on what it takes to produce his skills and maintain his replacements. New industries have been appearing (Television, Satellites, Computers etc.) Production has doubled since the end of the war. Poverty is widespread. On the same program Homelessness (only being one of the problems) was being highlighted. The question asked was " how are the poor people going to earn a living when those robots  do more of the work"
The answer is the working class must get rid of the profit system by replacing capitalism with a system of common ownership of the means of production. We call it socialism. A moneyless society, where people own planet earth in common.
Stargazing and moving to new planets are not the most important things to be attended too.

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