Sunday, November 19, 2017

Free Access

'One Card' aims to encourage greater access to libraries by removing barriers between services and gives access to more than 120 libraries and 1.6 million books.
Pamela Tulloch, chief executive of Scottish Library and Information Council, said: "One of the fundamental defining characteristics of public libraries is that they are open to everyone. No-one is turned away from a library, there is no joining fee, and anyone can use a library and its services, regardless of age and background.
Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop explained "As well as traditional services like book lending, libraries are also places where people can access free wi-fi, use a computer and socialise. Libraries can empower communities, helping tackle inequality, reduce isolation and boost the local economy."
The principle of free access is practiced today. We, in the Socialist Party, believe that the idea should be extended to all aspects of life, food, clothing, shelter, and services.

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