

Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Future Is Up To Us All

 The socialist vision never dies. It lies dormant until a new set of social struggles arise and brings it forth to guide the movement again. In all previous periods, human freedom could not be won because the means of production were not developed enough to make it realisable. Today, the objective material conditions exist for the reconstruction of society in the interests of humanity. The future depends upon an arousing and enthusing the masses with a vision of new possibilities -- the distribution of the wealth of society according to need. This vision is of a world without human want, without race and national hatred, without sexual oppression and human exploitation -- a world where an ever-inventive technology delivers full lives for all in a sustainable and healthy environment. The emancipation of the working class from the shackles of private property is the only way to save the earth and its people from destruction.

Capitalism as a system operates in accordance with a handful of laws: The source of value is human labour. Commodities exchange according to the amount of socially necessary labour that goes into their production. Profit comes from surplus value -- unpaid human labour. This value is bound up in and borne by commodities. The commodities must circulate, that is, they must be sold. If commodities cannot be sold, the value in them cannot be realised, and the capitalist will not profit. Capitalists must strive for the maximum profit -- if not, they will be driven from the market by other capitalists who do achieve the maximum profit. And like all economic systems, the relations of classes of people in society must correspond to the level of development of tools and the people who use them. The rise of poverty today lays the objective basis for the consciousness of common class interests and the need for class unity and the impulse toward political independence. Governments around the world are also in the process of slashing long-standing social services, no longer sustaining the livelihood of its unemployed, disabled, or even its children. Our right to survive is gone. We face a combination of economic insecurity, social inequality with the dismantling of the Welfare State "safety net."  This situation cannot go on indefinitely and we should prepare for social explosions and radical revolts in response. The success of the revolution will not happen automatically. They must do so consciously.  

 The Socialist Party is a political party of people from all walks of life, united in a mission to awaken fellow-workers to the cause of their growing poverty. Our task is to bring a vision of a peaceful and prosperous world made possible by the automation and economic globalisation which, in the hands of the capitalists, threatens our existence. The Socialist Party educates and agitates for the transfer of economic and political power into the hands of the people so they can build a democratic, cooperative, communal society. We aim to change the thinking of our fellow-workers and open their hearts and minds to the necessity of revolution. Every debate today is, at its core, about the direction and future of society.  In every discussion, there is an opportunity to show that the root of the problem is private property and the solution is socialism. In this way, we can prepare ourselves to take the questions of the day and show how their actual resolution lies in the reorganisation of the economy and what people can do to fight for this. The Socialist Party is a small organisation. To accomplish our tasks we must grow and develop into a mass socialist party.  Our propaganda will mean little unless we develop the networks for the distribution of these ideas. This means creating an apparatus which is capable of producing and disseminating a variety of forms of propaganda. We need to build an infrastructure of study circles and forums, to produce videos for the internet.  We can teach the workers' movement which is scattered, diverse and searching for answers, educate about why our society is in crisis, what can be done to solve it and present a vision for the future. Socialist Party members can learn what they need to explain, persuade and prove to the people the dangers and possibilities of the situation today. With this knowledge and understanding, our members can participate in any activity in a way that raises the consciousness of those around them. In our fight for the hearts and minds of the people, we must use every available method to disseminate our vision of justice and prosperity. We must constantly look to other means, including that which technology is rapidly making available in order to realise our goal.

Beyond the darkness of the capitalist system, The Socialist Party foresee a bright future to save the planet. 

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