

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Which side are you on?

Mankind is social, tending always towards co-operation and order. Each person is dependent on another for existence, for the satisfaction of physical needs, and emotional and mental ones, too; and has an interest in good relationships with others. The human concord that is churned as the heart of almost every religion and philosophy in the world is no more, and no less, than what human beings have tried to attain from the beginnings of social life. It is true that the property structures mankind has erected in social development have continually frustrated this striving, yet the fact of the striving remains. All men and women are social by nature—that is, by the fact of being human.

Capitalism is beset with an immense political and economic crisis, the likes of which it has not experienced in years.  Capitalism is tearing apart our families, our communities, and our opportunity for a better future. This chaos cries out for an alternative that will point the way forward in our struggle to build a society in which our hopes and dreams become a reality. For the first time in history, technology has given society the means to produce an absolute abundance and provide quality care for everyone. The new wealth generated by these changes is not being shared by all. Instead, obscene riches are being accumulated at one pole of society, while a more and more brutal poverty is created at the other. As a result, a confrontation between the world's rich and the world's poor is gathering momentum. Revolution, however, is not inevitable. It will depend on the consciousness of the millions who want to create a better world. We must gather our collective voice and collective strength now to develop this consciousness. Our society can move forward to a new stage of human development that cherishes and nurtures the lives of all. People are beginning to recognise a sense of economic and class identity. Their success will depend on a very broad consciousness of class and political interests.

Under capitalism the past dominates the present because of the means of production, developed from the past, and possessed to-day by the few, dominate the lives of the producers, and forms the general structure sod relations of society. With socialism, the means of production would be consciously manipulated for the benefit and happiness of the members of society. The past development and experience would then be used knowingly by the members of the socialist society for their well-being. This would be the domination of the past by the present as, instead of the members being dominated by a method of production, the method of production would be controlled by them.

The Internationale has long been the anthem of the workers’ movement throughout the world. While the red flag has been the people's banner. The red flag has been pulled down many, many times but only to be raised again. Why? Because it is the flag of the oppressed, the flag of those deprived of their freedom, their labour, who are forced into slavery and eventually into revolt. It will be raised again in a thousand places as the workers' struggle for socialist emancipation revives across the globe. The red flag is the symbol of humanity's kinship. we hold it high it as the inspiring standard in the great international fight against exploitation, and oppression.  The working class people proudly march together under one banner.

The Socialist Party's  goal is to build the new society by starting to educate our audiences. It will take our collective efforts to make the people conscious of the reality of achieving the brighter future for which they are already fighting.  We will challenge the ruling class on its destruction of countless lives. We will rely on the people striving for a better world to prepare for the struggles ahead. We will confront the specific questions faced by our people and demonstrate that the problem is private property and the solution is the reorganiSation of society on a cooperative basis. Together we will inspire the people with a vision of a world of plenty. Robotics and automation offer the capacity to free everyone from hunger, homelessness and backbreaking labour. Society can then devote the energies and talents of its people to satisfying the material, intellectual, spiritual and cultural needs of all. We will show how this vision can be a reality. When the working class which has no stake in the capitalist system assumes political control and transforms all productive property into public property, it can reorganise society so that the abundance is distributed according to need. A society built on cooperation guards the well-being of its people, not the profits and property of a handful of billionaires. We will empower the people with the consciousness to strive for this new society and instil confidence in victory. The struggle of those who have no stake in this system carries the energy to overturn it. All it lacks is the understanding of its historic mission and how to achieve it. Those who have no place in the current system will ensure that the interests of all of humanity are served.

To all, The Socialist Party says. let us combine our efforts to educate and unleash a powerful movement that can deliver the promises of tomorrow.

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