

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Princes and Princesses

Harry and Meghan became Earl and Countess of Dumbarton.

It is a town where a quarter of the children live in poverty.

This year, volunteers in the area will be handing out emergency food provisions, school uniforms, and holiday hunger bags during the summer break.

The Queen has already invested in the town through her offshore trusts in hire-purchase chain Brighthouse, who have a shop in the high street. It’s a wonderful place where Dumbarton people drowning in debt can get a £300 telly for £600.
At the wedding, American Bishop Michael Curry preached  the words of Martin Luther King, “When love is the way, poverty will become history” to a room full of royals and Hollywood millionaires. Not even Martin Luther King himself held the view that marriage was a simple panacea for society’s complex ills.
Just ask the people of Dumbarton.

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