

Friday, May 25, 2018

Understanding The Socialist Party

The Socialist Party is not a party that says it represents everybody. We’re not a political party that stands up and preaches the idea of harmony between capitalists and the workers, because there can’t be harmony between the slaves and the slave-masters. There can’t be harmony between the exploited and the exploiters because the slave-master lives by exploiting the workers – the capitalist lives by exploiting, that’s his whole existence. And we live for the day when we can break those chains of exploitation. We are not a party of both the slave-master and the slave. We are a party of the wage-slave. We proudly and openly proclaim that. And more than that, we proudly and openly proclaim that our class which is now in wage slavery is going to break those chains. We are one mighty class that represents the majority. That is the spirit in which the Socialist Party was founded. The Socialist Party mission is revolutionary in character. Goals determine methods. The goal of social revolution being the final overthrow of class rule, its methods must fit the goal.

There is anger stirring among the masses, particularly as their living standards implode. Yet at the same time, there is widespread despair. The media spreads the notion that capitalism is the only alternative. Every day is a struggle to survive – to try to live like people and not be driven down and forced to live like animals like they’re trying to make us live. This system, this capitalist system of wage-slavery, doesn’t allow us the choice of whether or not we are going to struggle. Everybody knows the fact that we have to struggle to get a job and once you get it, you’re driven even harder. People are driven by the whip of the capitalists trying to make more profit for themselves.  People feel the impact of the changing world on their daily lives and search for an answer to their problems. What is blocking the way to economic and social progress? The Socialist Party reply: The system of profit-making, the ownership and control of industry by the few for their own gain and not for the benefit of the people. The solution for the ills of present-day society is the social ownership of the industries and natural wealth and production for the common good, instead of profits for the few.

The Socialist Party is a worldwide movement. We are "patriotic" for our class, the working class. We hold that as workers we have no country. The flags and symbols have been seized by our employers. Today they mean naught to us but oppression and tyranny. As long as we quarrel among ourselves over differences of nationality we weaken our cause, we defeat our own purpose. The Socialist Party is open to all workers. Differences of colour and language are not obstacles to us. In our organisation, all are on the same footing. All are workers and as such their interests are the same. An injury to them is an injury to us all. No longer will wage-slaves be docile as in the past. No longer will they submit to unspeakable brutalities. They have gained a knowledge of the cardinal principle of solidarity, that is priceless. We need a socialist party unapologetically anti-capitalist, democratic in both its view of the future society as well as in the manner in which it operates. We need to proclaim the goal not to reform capitalism, but to eliminate it.

 We are going to do away with capitalism by taking possession of the land and the machinery of production. We don't intend to buy them, either. The capitalist class took them because it had the power to control the muscle and brain of the working class in industry. Organised, we, the working class, will have the power. With that power, we will take back that which has been stolen from us. The goal of the Socialist Party is to create a system where classes no longer exist, and the state withers away, where each will receive according to their needs and give according to their abilities. The overthrow of class rule means the overthrow of the political State, and its substitution with the Industrial Democracy, under which the necessaries for production are commonly owned and operated by and for the people. The Socialist Party at all times stands for a peaceful solution of the political, economic and social issues of our time. The power of the working people who recognise the need for social change and participate in carrying it through, the elected Parliament, is capable of securing peace, and of creating the conditions for the establishment of socialism.

Capitalism is the basic cause of war in modern times. It is capitalism which gives rise to the danger of a third world war.  Socialism puts an end to wars and the danger of Wars because under Socialism there are no capitalists who are interested in war profits and the conquest of new markets. and colonies. Socialist planned economy abolishes anarchy of the market and thereby puts an end to depressions and unemployment. The solution is to end the private ownership of the means of production and replace it with social ownership and production planned to meet the people’s needs, that is, socialism. Socialism ends the exploitation of man by man because it is through private ownership of the factories and workshops, mills and mines and land that the wealthy minority exploit the great mass of the people. Social ownership frees the energies of the people and productive forces for mighty economic, social and cultural advances by means of socialist planning.

The Socialist Party does not “worship the State” nor aims at domination of the individual by an all-powerful one-party State. The State “withers away” and society is in the hands of a co-operative system producing for the benefit of all. Our aim is to achieve socialism by peaceful means. Socialism can only be achieved through the working class. We seek to expand a political party that articulates a vision of socialism that is revolutionary and democratic. 

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