

Monday, July 09, 2018

If Anything is Good To Go It's Capitalism

Stats-Canada reported that Canada's economy lost jobs for the second month in a row in May. 7,500 jobs were lost, but don't worry folks, according to our friendly record keepers, it wasn't a blip on the radar, as the unemployment rate held steady at 5.8 per cent – go figure - no pun intended. 

The trouble is, according to Thomson Reuters Eikon economists, who are supposed to know these things, predicted an increase of 17,500 jobs! Robert Kavic, senior economist at the Bank of Montreal, is very happy saying the economy is running near potential and predicts the Bank of Canada will raise its key interest rate in July; to quote, ''We think the bank is still good to go''.

 I don't know how the redundant 7,500 feel about that, but if anything is good to go, its capitalism and right into the garbage bin of history.

For socialism,

 Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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