

Monday, July 09, 2018

The Boss Doesn't Always Like Progress

We all have this image of capitalism as a tremendously dynamic system constantly inventing new products, including the tools of production, and improving on existing ones. However true that maybe there is another side to it. With the success of the Tesla car there is a renewal interest in the life of Nikola Tesla, the inventor of the type of alternating current we use today. 

The recent TV series on his life mentioned that for a time he was financed by the most powerful man in the world, J.P. Morgan, the head of the Bank of America. Tesla told him that if the induction cable he was working on was a success, copper would no longer be needed as a means of induction. Morgan cut off Tesla's funds, because he owned thousands of shares in copper mines. 

How about a society where no such stupid barriers will exist?
For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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